Sunday, August 26, 2007

Letter to the editor

P o Box 21483
25 August 26, 2007

The Editor
The Star
P O Box

Dear Sir

High crime rate in South Africa

I am writing this letter in regard to the high crime rate we are seeing in South Africa today.

I as a citizen of this country believe that the crime rate is at an uncontrollable and unacceptable high rate. In my own town and country I fear for my life, family and possessions. It is not a fear I feel alone but by those around me to. In my opinion my “right to life” and “safety and security” is in great danger and I can not reap the benefits of these rights.

Murders! Rape! Robbery! Hijacking! These are the only things I hear about on the radio and see in the newspapers on a daily basis. Not only do the media make aware the fact that we are living in a crime stricken country but also the fact, that people in my own street are affected by these crimes. Yes, crime takes place everywhere in the world but not at such a large scale and most definitely, as statistics show, every 17 seconds.

With the country developing and hosting the 2010 Soccer World Cup, crime rate statistics are far too high. From April 2006 unto March 2007 murder increased by 2.4% (19,202); home invasions up 25.4 % (12,761); hijackings up 6 % (13,599); business robbery up 6.5% (6,689); cash in-transit robbery up 21.9% (467); and bank robbery almost doubled (129). Rape reports have seen a decrease by 5.2% however 5700 cases were reported in Cape Town alone.

These are definitely ridiculous amounts and immediate action must take place! Is the crime rate at such a peak that we are forced to bring back the death penalty? If not, what other alternative are we left with? Government together with police is working tirelessly trying to crack down on this epidemic yet the results remain unchanged. Citizens are fed up with living imprisoned in their own land and have taken the law in their hands. Call it breaking the law but we are left with no better option and tomorrow I could a victim.

Yours Sincerely
Aamena Khota

statistics obtained from:
The Star
The Sunday Times

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