Monday, August 13, 2007

Evaluation of Term1 and Term2

The year started with a blast and from day one we were kept on our toes in the English class. We were introduced to a new world of English and a totally different form of teaching. However, the highlight at the beginning of the year was most certainly meeting MR SUJEE. Yes, the English teacher we dreaded!!!

We were soon to learn that the supposedly "terrifying" man, was in reality our blessing. Personally I took a liking to Mr Sujee from day one. I came to realize that not only was I lucky to have Mr Sujee as my teacher, but also to have a teacher who would not rest until I proved to reach my potential.

On the other hand, I cannot conceal the fact, that in term one the work load did reach mountain peaks and at times I felt I was not going to cope. The adjustment was more than just steps but rather a leap, not only in English but other subjects too. On the more positive note, I would like to add that my study of William Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice", was definitely one of the most exciting learning experiences of my life. The skills we acquired, the intense work we covered and learning style of the novel was most challenging yet remarkable.

Term one and two passed being very challenging but also productive terms. I learnt that hard work and effort pay off at the end of the day. I've also come to believe that "excellence is not just an occasion but a habit."

1 comment:

Abdullah Sujee said...

As-salaamualykum Aameena
Well, I did not know that I have that image with students - gee! I will have to some good PRO of myself i.e. self reflection.

Thanks for the wonderful words of praise as well. I know that the best way to develop people is to take them out of their comfort zones - your case is an ideal one.

I really enjoyed reading "A Drop of blood" - there are so many real issues that you wrote that are ignored by the geneal mass of people. Keep up the good work!