Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Celebrate A Smile

As sand passes through the hour glass, so do our lives. Just as a breeze comes and goes, so does our existence. Those we hurt, those we love, what we do and what we achieve; eventually fade away and form part of a vague memory.

Sitting and pondering about this, a thought comes to mind, a thought which sparked a domino of questions in my head. Have I achieved enough in life? Have I valued every precious breath I took? Have I, taken a moment to pause and celebrate the joys which have passed in my life and more so the joys of others? Was I really there to share another’s heart leaping moments and did I give another the chance to celebrate mine? This thought seems to occur in my mind recurringly.

In the hustle and bustle of our lives we seem to have forgotten the value of what we are and the value of those around us. We tend to brush off important days, events and people in our lives so easily; one would think these things were never there. The world around us is so diseased by negativity that a brother forgets to smile at his brother, a mother forgets to congratulate her daughter on her achievements and you and I no longer see a blossoming flower for its beauty but rather an obstacle in our way.

We are so used to complaining and whining about this matter and that person that we’ve forgotten the good in anything. Instead of spending quality time with our families, we rather tell a stranger, “that old stinking hag off a tannie, who wants to be around her?” Never mind that, our second nature has become such that we continually bring ourselves down…and everyone on board with us, “I’m a useless, stupid, pretty, pathetic animal and it’s all my biased teacher’s fault because he gave me an A instead of a B.”

The human mind has cocooned itself to such an extent that we have taken the value out of our own lives and placed ourselves in an “I don’t care about anything” state. This in essence is the starting point of our own destruction. We need to take the time to give credit to ourselves for the hard work we do and magical people we are and give an open invitation to people around us to come and be part of a joyous experience. The smile encarved upon your face at graduation night, should be one not only be one your fellow students see but also your family, your friends. The day you feel you have succeeded in becoming your best, jump, scream and shout, for that moment will come to pass. If you have a friend and you’d like to tell the world about what an astonishing person they are, do not shy away, and popularize them. Smile more often and grieve less, for a warm smile is worth more than all the riches in the world to a sad face.

All said and done we need to realize that life will not value us, it is our choices and the way we value the moments in our lives, that will give value to what our lives are. If we do not live our moments happily and do not enjoy the prized moments which crown us, we will never have full satisfaction of the time we are in existence. Time ticks on and you and I as a memory will continue to fade. Therefore, grasp the moment and live your achievements and your worth to its crest and join in the living through a smile.

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