Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Cover Story

Around and around the world continues to spin to its norm. Since the beginning of its existence the axis upon which it spins has remained untouched. However, glancing at the space human flesh occupy and the lands upon which our feet have trampled, there is a clear sign that what is enclosed within our cocoon world keeps spinning to a new a new tune.

If we take a moment to pause and scan what is around us, the common sight which would appear is war, bloodshed and destruction. Above all of these the most cut throat of the happenings around is surely the fight to be the best, most feared and most honored the fight for power.

This concept has become such a norm that it is no longer looked at as a brutal and dirty game but more so, an entertainment for the world. This is clearly seen on a day to day basis on news bulletins, daily newspapers and not to mention the latest movies. “Clinton vs Obama”, “ Bush in Iraq”, “Tyrant Mugabe” and the list goes on and on. These names and many others have been drilled into our minds so extensively that we’ve lost track of who’s who and we dance to which ever dj is playing the music.

This is how we wake, work and go to sleep every night. We watch the same news, do the same things and eat whatever we are fed even if it tastes bad. Are we in such a state that we’ve lost the capability to think? Do we not ask questions as to why
there’s a new man on the podium every day? Have we lost the sensibility of human nature that killings, destruction, lies and deception are blatantly OK? Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the news bulletins or behind the curtain of a show or behind the veil of a politician?

This question is one people tend to brush off and hush away. In essence however, this is an important question, one which needs thought and answers. Who are the ones truly holding the aces and playing the game, the man on the podium or the brain behind him? What we see is not always what is believable, therefore we need to open our minds before we are in a detrimental state.

If we go back in time to the age of the empires we as commoners will find many similarities between people who lived at that time and ourselves. People were easily swayed and one empire was conquered after the next. Studying the empire of Julius Caesar we are made aware of what goes on behind the veil. Pompeii was a worshipped emperor yet when Caesar brought him to his death, people cheered Caesar. This is similar to ourselves that we cheer one leader, yet when the other comes into power we switch tune and give support to him .

In the study of Caesar we find that there were many hidden agendas in terms of politics. Among Caesar’s own cabinet there were those closest to him who ended up turning against him. This was merely due to the fact that there was a single mind which manipulated everything behind the scene. Cassius let Brutus be in the forefront and be the name which stirred trouble while in the mean time Cassius was the one pulling the strings.

If we look at this scenario closely and in depth we will find it is extremely relative to the politics of today. We have one man in the fore front along with his cabinet. Including this you find those among the lot who lay low in the shadow yet are the ones who make the rules, distribute the dirty work, gain pure pleasure out of it and at the end of the day wipe their hands clean.

One may wonder how this could possibly be true, yet it is a reality. The greed for power is so extensive that one man will stir anything to have full control. The “bombing” that killed Bhenazir Bhutto

was not a mere accident. The odds against this are too coincidental to have been an accident. Plotting and planning were key elements which lay behind her death. Hushed names and people of power are what cause assassinations to look like accidents.

The war in Iraq, the invasion of Afghanistan, war in Palestine, Kenya, these are not ignited by the man who’s face appears on TV. Great minds and time go behind what we call conspiracy theories. It would be logical to think that if one man was alone in power and an entire nation was against him it would be easy to rule that person out. Why then is George bush still in glory? Why is Robert Mugabe still a dictator? The obvious answer would surely be that there are dons behind these people who encourage them on.

This is the dirty game of what happens behind closed doors. The sad part in this cycle is that you and I have stopped to think. We no longer ask questions and have valueless fears. We allow and accept what we are given. Blood spilled and the world in mayhem has become “the next Person’s concern”. It is no longer the case where we roll the dice on the monopoly board. We are now the dice being rolled in every player’s hands. We are the winning or losing numbers. We spin and spin and yet we never spin to our own melody but always to the melody of the blowing of the veil.


HUMAIRA said...

Masha-Allah. A very inspiring blog. Love the pictures. Very colourful and enlightening. Keep up the good work. Thanx

Abdullah Sujee said...

interesting blog. like the colour concept. grade 11

HUMAIRA said...

Blogspot Assessment Sheet

10/10 Marks- Appearance
10/10 Marks- Work 2007
10/10 Marks- Work 2008
10/10 Marks- Pictures
10/10 Marks- Book Review
10/10 Marks- Extras
10/10 Marks- Propaganda
10/10 Marks- Customization
10/10 Marks- Blog
10/10 Marks- Animal Farms

Rating Scale

·1- Not Achieved 0-29%
·2- Elementary Achievement 30-39%
·3- Moderate Achievement 40-49%
·4- Adequate Achievement 50-59%
·5- Substantial Achievement 60-69%
·6- Meritorious Achievement 70-79%
·7- Outstanding Achievement 80-100%

Head: Humaira Adam Omar
Team: Naazneen Ayob
Fatima Khakie
Fatima Sayed